We help businesses
Create New Value
for their consumers.
What We Believe
Great insights start with how a team perceives their own way of thinking before interacting with consumers:
Before consumer research is scoped and executed, key stakeholders should be stimulated to think about the "default benefits" in their category and generating new types of benefits and/or ways of delivering them.
As it is challenging to see new, tangible opportunities from within the category, it is powerful to realize that many other categories also sell products with similar end-benefits to consumers.
These different approaches to selling similar end benefits is a huge yet under-utilized resource to stimulate team thinking about how they might uniquely co-lead consumers to better solutions.
Great insights therefore begin before consumer research by pro-actively:
Contrasting the benefits being offered today in your Category:
What type of distinctive benefit or experience can you deliver consistently at scale to your consumer? Why does this matter in their lives?
Comparing your type of benefit across other categories to inspire new ways to deliver it:
Who else is doing a great job in any other category or market by delivering a similar type of consumer benefit in other exciting ways?
How does this stimulate our team's thinking about future paths we could prioritize for delivery?
Contrast & Compare with consumers:
Contrast & Compare our "pre-totype stimuli" (seed ideas) and prioritize which offer the most distinct, new value to their lives, compared with the market today - and why?
This approach generates truly fresh insights to guide the team's new value solutions.
Bottom line::
"Forward search" always beats "re-search" to innovate better propositions.
What We Do
Clarify X-Factors in Success Clinics
What are our distinctive type of advantages vs competitors? Ex. Our business model (supply chain? distribution?), product benefit, brand story, and/or other "ownable strengths" ...)
Pre-totypes Stimulate New Foresights
These seed ideas enrich the discussion for the product team about innovation success factors as well as more pro-actively engaging consumers to go beyond the limits of research.
-> Example: Contrast different types of "fresh" to identify the "distinctive type" of X-Factor to be owned (ex. Playful Refresh). Then Compare that X-Factor across categories to inspire new ways of delivering it!
Before going to research:
Contrast & Compare™ stimulates new ways of seeing insights to bring value to consumers.
Contrast & Compare™ rejuvenates how we newly deliver brand promises.
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Or email Contrast & Compare Founder, Dara MacCaba, directly at: